Whether you grow fruit, vegetables or ornamental plants in your plot, you are bound to know something that makes a good garden.
Everybody knows about the role of buzzy bees in pollinating crops and most people know that ladybirds eat pests such as aphids. However, the garden is a dynamic ecosystem with many beneficial interactions taking place continuously.

This unique kit is based on research carried out in the Bio-Protection Research Centre at Lincoln University in association with the BHU Organics Trust and Kings Seeds. The kit will help you to discover a number of important things such as the properties of your soil (pH, nitrate levels, sedimentation & what is living in your soil) as well as techniques to observe insects, earthworms and birds in the garden).
The kit contains 13 fascinating techniques for you to experiment with and comes with a booklet explaining how to use them as well as links on this page.
Learn so much more about growing your organic garden. We have 13 Activity pages for you to enjoy.
Activity 1
Flowers for pollinators
Activity 2
Flowers for beneficial insects
Activity 3
Activity of soil inhabitants – 1
Activity 4
Activity of soil inhabitants – 2
Activity 5
Soil sedimentation test
Activity 6
Soil nitrates and nitrites